TV Show Parks and Recreation

Parks and Recreation

TV Series (April 9, 2009 – February 24, 2015)

Creators: Greg Daniels, Michael Schur

Staring: Amy Poehler, Rashida Jones, Paul Schneider, Aziz Ansari, Nick Offerman, Aubrey Plaza, Chris Pratt, Adam Scott, Rob Lowe, Jim O’Heir
Retta, Billy Eichner

Number of Seasons: Seven (7)

Official Socials: FacebookTwitter

Hashtag: #parksandrec #amypoehler

This hilarious sitcom stars Amy Poehler as government official Leslie Knope, a dyed-in-the-wool dreamer who’s devoted her life to public service.

Attempting to beautify her town, she takes on what should be a fairly simple project: help turn an abandoned construction pit into a park.

My Rating: 5 out of 5 stars!

IMDB Rating: 8.6 out of 10 stars!

Rotten Tomatoes Rating: 90% positive!

This is a fun show, simple and purely fun. It is set up similar to The Office, in that mocumentary style. While the show does focus on Leslie Knope, and her efforts to improve her community, she wants to work her way into the White House, as a President. Needlessly to say, she is over excited about her work, and her position within her small governmental position. Yet it’s hilarious, she tries so hard and keeps getting knocked down, often times through her own actions.

What makes the show really work is the cast of characters around her working in the office. Ron Swanson, by far, my favorite character for the better part of the show. If you are looking for a show that’s light hearted, makes you laugh then this is the show for you.

Image result for ron swanson meme

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